
the playroom: mcvillage

the images are from a children’s play area designed by uxus design for a mcdonald’s near amsterdam.

uxus’ goal was to create an environment where children could learn about food from the farm to the market to the table.

i found this at Grace Bonney's blog (my favorite): the wonderful designsponge {thank you Grace}


Anonymous said...

that is beautiful it's so rustic and realistic

José Carrilho (Go Detail) said...

Hi Gina,

These look great and show how marketing can be as important as the product itself.

Best regards,


suGar,Honey,bAby,doll said...

Awesome blog! Truly inspiring.

Emily said...

That space is phenomenal. I have to say as it seems a little ridiculous that it is a mcDonald's space that is teaching children about farm to table...but regardless, absolutely lovely job.

Mitsy / ArtMind said...

What a magic place! Wish I was still a child so I could go out and play there! :)

MissKarenAshley said...

That is amazing. Sure beats the plasic slides I played on when I was a kid.